
Friday, October 15, 2010

Fun Filled August 2010, here are the highlights...

I am still trying to catch up on my blog so I am just putting together pictures from the month and posting them all in one entry. August was a very very busy month for us...Never a dull moment !

August 3, 2010

I hate to start off with a not so fun note but little William decided to play a little rough with his sisters and manage to hit his forehead on the corner of the wall in our basement !! He was screaming and blood was gushing out everywhere! I manage to stop the bleeding but the corner left a deep round hole in his head. I decided to rush him to the ER and after 2 hours of waiting, the doctor put "derma-glue" in it. He seems to be fine and back to his old self. Thank God !!!

August 4, 2010

Our dear friends the Broussards came to visit us !!! It was a great day because we missed them so much and were anxious to show them the Northeast !

First order of business was to have SEAFOOD ! We took them to Ray's seafood in North Hampton for some fish and chips !!!

We took them to our favorite ice cream spot..... The Beach Plum !
Then we headed over to Hampton Beach to check out the rides and games....

August 5 -6, 2010
Today we headed to Peaks Island where we hit the beach !!

The kiddos enjoyed the water eventhough it was really cold !

William filling his bucket.... he didnt mind the cold water either...

Lobster cook out time !...

The lobsters all ready for eating !! yummy !

August 7, 2010
Today we took the Broussards to Storyland ! Here we are at the entrance when my camera died.... I forgot to charge the battery !! ugh ! Fortunately Erin has pictures, I will post them later.....

August 8, 2010
Today we headed to the lake..... It was a beautiful hot day and it was perfect for getting in the water.....

William sporting his sunglasses !!
Britton and Caitlyn check out the view up front...

Erin and the girls....

Britton and her daddy get in the water !

We dock to get some refreshments....

August 9, 2010
Today we headed to Boston to do some sight seeing with the Broussards .... We visited Newbury street, Boston Commons, and Quincy Market. It was a hot day but we managed to get thru it with lots of water and gatorade.... and later a beer! lol !

Here is the load we had to push around ......

View of Fenway Park from the top of the Prudential building ...

Family picture in the park....

The kiddos take a dip in Frog pond....

The guy get a beer at Cheers !
While the girls go to Build A Bear !
Enjoyed our week with the Broussards.... we will miss them....

August 11, 2010
The last day of Summer dance class. Today parents and family members were invited to see what they have learned. The girls were really excited about having both William and I in class .....and they really enjoyed performing !

point your toes !

I think they're ready to do another class !! Great job girls !
August 14, 2010
Today we celebrate William's 2nd Birthday !!! Cant believe he is already 2 ! We gathered at the Island house for burgers, hot dogs, cake and ice cream ! It was a fun day !
Kiddos try to break the pinata !

Caitlyn tries a big swing at it !

After about 15 minutes, daddy helps out and breaks it open !

Family picture taken by Caitlyn !

Baked a cake since it was hard to get one to the Island.... I think it turned out okay...right ?

My little birthday boy !!!
August 15, 2010
William enjoys his new train table - his birthday present from us ! He spent the whole day playing with it.... didnt want to eat or nap, just play !!!

August 17, 2010
Today we had a playdate with Miley !! It was such a beautiful day, we all decided to head down to the beach for lunch then to the arcade to ride some rides. The girls really enjoyed being together and got along really well !

August 18, 2010
The girls Godfather, Christian was in town... he was visiting his parents and our grandparents at the Island house today. We heard he would only be in town for a short visit so we decided to hop in the car and head up to Maine for the day. The girls were really excited about seeing Christian and his new girlfriend Avery ...as well as the rest of the family !!
We had a lobster and crab bake.....
Great family and friends shot !

The girls with Uncle Frank and Auntie Vanessa !

YUM ! Food is ready !
Avery having her first lobster !!

August 19, 2010
Today I took the kiddos to the York Zoo... and we happen to come on a day when the amusement park was open! yay! We went to the zoo part first and the kiddos immediately asked me for animal food so they can feed the ducks, the goats and the deer. I bought them a cup of food each and they went right to it .....

After we saw animals and fed the ducks and goats, we went to the amusement park. It was a pleasant surprise that most ALL of the rides for little kids !! Even little William got to join in the fun !!!

August 20, 2010
Hampton Beach was having their annual Childrens Festival Week.... and today was the costume parade. I put the girls in their mini pirate outfits and William in his Gator Football shirt. We headed down early but there were a ton of kids already in line....

Kid was in a home made "Claw" machine...
August 24, 2010
Charlotte enters a coloring contest in the daily newspaper. She did a wonderful job coloring the page....all within the lines. She even added the yellow sun. Very nice. Hope they believe that a 4 year old did this....

August 27, 2010
The SeaCoast Science Center in Rye NH
Chris take us to the Seacoast Science Center to check out all the cool sea animals.

William checks out a rare Blue Lobster .....
The girls pose in front of a rare orange lobster....

Thought this was an angel fish but its a Lion fish.

August 28, 2010
The Air Show at Pease Airforce Base
Chris went to the Air Show and saw the most amazing aerial stunts and show !! the kiddos and I unfortunately did not go but it was a good thing because it was really HOT ! Despite the heat he had a great time....and took many shots and video.

August 29, 2010
Beach Day !!! Still hot so we all packed up and headed to the Hampton Beach for the day !! It was packed.... thousands of people had the same idea !!

August 30, 2010
Trane Family Night at the Ball Park
Chris took all of us to the local baseball game in Manchester.... We had great seats and the kids had the best time !!! They also enjoyed the popcorn too !!!