
Friday, April 23, 2010

Pajama Day at School 04/22/10

It was Pajama Day at school today !!! So I pretty much kept the girls in their pajamas... all we had to do is brush our teeth and put some pretty bows on their pigtails!!! At first they were confused about it but after I explained that it was dress up day, they thought it was all funny !!!

Dover Childrens Museum 04/21/10

We heard of a new Childrens Museum in Dover NH and today we decided to check it out! It was about a 40 minute drive and when we got there - we were surprise to find sooooooo many things to see and do ! There was large Yellow Submarine that you can go into and play with the periscope and all the little buttons. William loved that part. There were also a dinosaur discovery area, a building area, a computer area, a sounds/music area..... and best of all - a large train table area !!! William just could not get enough of it !!! I think we need a membership here because it was a great place to spend a whole day and have fun !!!

The girls created several little towers ........

Each colored section made a sound when you put your palm on it...

The kiddos love this peg exhibit... you put your hand on it and its shape came out on other side....

William's favorite section .... he didnt want to leave....
There was a castle where you can create your own stain glass window...

Charlotte trying on a few masks....or is it Caitlyn?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crazy Hair Day 04/20/10

Today was crazy hair day at the girls school !! We were running so late that I quickly put a bunch of pony tails in their hair and called it CRAZY !! The girls got a kick out of all the pony tails and didnt mind walking around looking like they did.

Happy Anniversary Honey !!! 04/20/10

Today is our 14th Anniversary !!! And my husband brought home some flowers and a beautiful card !!! He then took me to PF Changs in Boston for some delicious Chinese food. After dinner we walked around the corner to a little comedy club where we laughed and laughed and laughed !!! It was a great date night and we really enjoyed the time together !

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kings and Queens Awards Pageant 04/18/10

Today was the day that Caitlyn competes in the Kings and Queens Awards Pageant! We have been preparing for a couple weeks ...and we were ready !! It turned out to be a very very loooong pageant but Caitlyn manage to smile thru it all.... She competed in 5 dress up categories and after today I think that is a lot for a little 4 year old! In the end, WE WON the title Ultimate Photogenic Supreme Miss ! We got a big huge crown, a huge trophy, sash, and a brand new Nintendo Wii system !!! We will also be featured in Patsy's Magazine this summer !! Caitlyn did a great job and we are so proud of her !!! Congratulations little girl !!!

Caitlyn with her new little friends in Model wear.

Caitlyn in her Snow White outfit for Fairytale wear...

Caitlyn in her swimsuit for the swimwear competition...

Formal wear competition....

Caitlyn getting crowned for her costume in fairytale wear...

Sporting one of her crowns and trophies....

Steak Night 04/17/10

Its Saturday night and we headed out to dinner for some Steak. Since I had to pre-register little Caitlyn for her pageant out in Manchester, we all drove out together and decided to find a restaurant there. It was very very busy.... as a matter of fact, it was a 40 minute wait but we heard good things about this restaurant so we waited it out. The kiddos were so good !!! And when we got to our table, they got right to business with their coloring.... Not a peep out of them til the food arrived ! We had a GREAT family dinner night !!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Walking at the Playground 04/14/10

We went to the park after the girls got out of school to play a little before dinner.... it was a lot easier for William to play now because he is finally walking. And he insists on doing it all by himself. He does a pretty good job of climbing the stairs then sliding down on his tummy then walking around back to the steps. He did this a few more times before discovering the "big" slide. I had to block him from going there and told him we need to stick to the "little baby" slide. He was not very happy!

Watering cans 04/13/10

After school today the girls wanted to spend time outside and help water the plants and trees. They say that the flowers need water to grow and bloom ... so I turned on the garden hose and let them fill their little tiny water cans. It was so cute to see how they directed each other on who is watering what... It is a job well done!!! We are definitely going to have a blooming garden in the next few days.... Thanks girls !

Magnetic Dress-up Dolls 04/11/10

After dinner the girls opened up another birthday present from some friends and got these really cute magnetic wooden (paper doll style) dolls. Charlotte got the Ballerina that came with lots of skirts, tops, shoes, and bathing suits.... Caitlyn got a princess and it came with different colored gowns, gloves, hats, and crowns. Really great for teaching them what matches and what doesn"t...haha.

Cowboy Hats n Crowns 04/11/10

I went to the Children's Place store to return a few things and came across these cute little cowboy hats with Crowns attached.... I just had to buy them. Caitlyn insisted on the pink one and Charlotte wanted white. Reminds me of living in Texas !! Yeehaw !!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Puzzles 04/08/10

Auntie Vanessa and Uncle Frank sent the girls two large puzzle boxes for their birthday !!! They just couldnt wait to tear into to them and get started but I held them off til William went to bed. The girls were quick to put them together.... they completed the two sided puzzle twice before bedtime and wanted me to take their picture! Awesome job girls !! Auntie Vanessa and Uncle Frank would be sooo proud !

Spring Beach Day 04/07/10

The weather forecast today is 86 degrees !!! So just like everyone in Hampton, we headed to the beach for some sun !!! We packed some drinks, a big blanket, and all the sand buckets + shovels we could find. We found a nice spot in front of the ocean and just enjoyed the beautiful beach !!! William and the girls made sand pies and castles and even ran out to the ocean a few times to get a bucket of water! It was a fabulous day !!!

NH SPCA School Field Trip 04/06/10

Today the girls' school planned a field trip to the local NH SPCA's learning center. William and I were able to go too. It was a beautiful and clean facility. The lady who manages the learning center brought out pets like a chinchila, a ferret, two rats and mice, her dog, a guinea pig and a big floppy rabbit. It was very educational and even little William paid attention and participated in the class.

The girls took turns brushing the guinea pig...

William reached over and pet the ferret...

William finds a pet dog who needs a home....

The girls fell in love with this dog....