
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fish Aquarium 06/14/10

After we went to the playground, we headed to the store to pick up a few things. I was in the dog food isle when the kids asked to see the fish. We went over and I took William out of the cart so he can get a closer look. He was so fascinated with them.... he smiled and kept pointing at the gold fish. He loved it so much he didn't want to leave and threw a fit. Looks like I found a free place to go see fish aquariums - Walmart!

Boston Science Museum 06/12/10

It was rainy today so we decided to run a few errands and then use our season pass to the Boston Science Museum. It was a little crowded but not too bad. We first went to the Dinosaur exhibit which is William's favorite. He just loves to point at them and growl. We visited the childrens exploration area... then saw the monkeys, the insects, the trains, and a facinating lightning and electricity exhibit. We had a great day !

Model of the largest lobster caught....

Insect fossils....

Large spider model...girls called it Charlotte's Web !

Strawberry Picking Today 06/11/10

We went to the strawberry farm today to pick strawberries. It was a perfect day to pick because it was not too hot or too cold - just right.
When we got there, the girls immediately got right down to picking... Chris had to show them at first what was best to pick and how. After a while, they got the hang of it and choose some really nice big ones. They also starting eating a few too. Even little William helped pick a few. He liked eating them as well.
Once we got our two containers filled, we headed straight home to make Chris' famous strawberry shortcake. He made the biscuits and whipped the cream...then put together some good looking shortcakes. The girls had one each and enjoyed every bite !! It was absolutely delicious !

Lego Time 06/10/10

After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen and put all the dishes away then turned to join the family on the couch but they were no where to be found.... I heard them upstairs and found them playing Legos in the playroom.
Chris thought it would be fun to build the little house with a fence just like in the Lego booklet. They added the car and the little cute dog too. They did a fabulous job and copied it to a tee. The kids were really excited about the finish product - and of course, I just had to take pictures !

Guinea Pigs Store 06/09/10

Today we visiting our favorite pet store at the mall.... This time I took William out of his stroller and let him roam around. He first checked out all the little dogs but he was mostly interested in the Guinea Pigs.... He kept pointing and grunting at them. I think he thinks they growl or something. It was so cute and funny to watch.

Guinea Pigs were awake and active today....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Active Little Boy 06/08/10

I took the kiddos to the playground today to play and run around. I was hoping to sit on the bench and relax but I couldnt do that anymore. Little William has become an active little boy! He climbs on everything and doesnt seem to be afraid of falling and hurting himself. I had to follow him everywhere. Needless to say I was tired when we left !!!

William walks across the wobbly bridge....

William jumps on this bridge....

William climbing the ropes....

East Coast USA Pageant 06/05/10

Today was pageant day !!! This was our first time competing in the East Coast USA Pageant and it was a big pageant ! We were surprised to find out that there were 9 other girls in our age division ! Caitlyn did an awesome job....she really focused on what she had to do on stage...and smiled the whole time. She won 1st runner up and I couldnt be any happier!!! It is quite an accomplishment for competing against 9 other girls. Hopefully we will be back next year because we had a positive experience!

Cailtyn and our new friend Samantha who won our age (4-5 yr old) division.

Caitlyn and Siena who won her age (2-3 yr old) division....

Proud mommy and Caitlyn.....

Caitlyn with last years Glitz winner...and this years Glitz winner (3yr old division)

Caitlyn with our sister queens Maeve and Rowan.....

Runway wear competition.....

During our lunch break from the pageant, we ran over to American Girl !!! We got to check out all the dolls and clothes but strangely the girls did not want anything.... they were interested in going to the Disney store. (lol!)

I think they thought were checking out dolls in a doll museum.....

Natick Mall 06/04/10

We were competing this weekend in the Miss EastCoast USA pageant and we had to head down to Natick Mass to register and turn in our photos + paperwork. So after William's nap we drove about an hour south to Natick Mass. We were a little early for registration so we stopped across the street at the Natick Mall. I was hoping there would be a little play area because the kids were sitting in the car for so long, I wanted them to get some energy out. We found the most adorable play area at the mall. It was in one of the store spaces and was very nicely done. It had a pirate ship, a treehouse, a rock climb, a slide, a bridge, and little ducks to sit on. It was a lot of fun for the kids ....they didnt want to leave !
The mall was a nice one...it had high end stores and even nicer anchor stores....it reminded me of the Galleria back in Dallas! It even had an American Girl Store. We didnt get a chance to visit it today but hopefully tomorrow.

Last Day of School 06/03/10

Today was the last day of the preschool year.... the two classes that attend on Tuesday and Thursdays put together a little performance for all the teachers and parents. They sang a few songs and sang with a lot of enthusiasm. I was so proud of the girls! They are going back in the Fall but will be going to mornings - three days a week. They grow so fast !

(I tried to upload a little short video but it wouldnt load properly so here are a few pictures).

There was another set of twins in the other class....